Section 2-2: S vs. N and Gender roles.

"I think I'll use my Intuition" Said Macho Man NEVER.
-Image courtesy of
Now, I'm not saying that stereotypes are always true. but to quote my grandfather, "stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason." as such I believe that the pairing of (S)ensing and i(N)tuition can be easily applied to classical gender roles. I do believe that it would be men that are predominantly, though not always, S types. The disposition of the S type to take a very literal view of the world and operate purely on presented instructions and facts tends to be associated with the typical male model.

However, even the strongest S type males will attempt to defy nature and put together an Ikea cabinet at least once in their life without looking at the instructions provided to them. As the knowledge to build a cabinet, or table, or chair, is obviously passed down through the Y chromosome in genetics and requires no previous learning. (In case it wasn't painfully obvious. that was a joke.)

The reverse is also true of the N type though, surely the saying "a woman's intuition" did not arise from pure conjecture and there must be some sort of backing for it to have arisen to such a common phrase in the english language.

I'm not saying that I am such a strong S type that I completely lack any sort of intuition of my own. In fact one of the traits of the ESFJ is the ability to sense how people around them are feeling. however I tend to only follow these "hunches" if they are paired with cues from external stimuli such as shortened breaths, a visible pulse, blushing. Otherwise I move on.

I am a very strong S type and I would not find it surprising in the least to learn that S is a typically male trait... I would find the inverse however quite surprising.

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